Valley Rice Mill is located on 11.7 acres adjacent to the city of Cherry Valley, Arkansas. Cherry Valley is a regional hub for the rice trade in Northeast Arkansas due to the intense rice farming and the cleaning and drying facilities for rice in the area.
Valley Mill is adjacent to the railroad track, running North and South, but currently all rice is trucked in and out.
Valley Mill is 4 years old and the sale will include all equipment at the mill.
Although Valley Mill is not currently operating, it has a milling capacity of approximately 20,000 bushels per week.
Labor costs are low. The mill can operate with one secretary, one mill manager, and one miller. The mill is operated on a just in time basis, this enables the mill to operate at peak efficiency with rough rice coming in and milled rice going out. This method calls for low inventory of rough and milled rice. When you look at the pictures you will note the small inbound tanks and the smaller outbound tanks.
Valley Mill owners tell us the net from the plant was $10,000.00 per week.
The Valley Mill’s sale price is $600,000.00 cash at closing.
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