640 Acres Grain Farm Crittenden County, Arkansas Asking Price: $1,276,800
Lying just 4 miles west of interstate 55 from the Jericho exit the Britton farm is conveniently located on an asphalt highway. This property contains 640 deeded acres and 630 cropland acres in one block of land.
The Britton farm is ideally located just a short distance from Wappanocca Wildlife Refuge and has 2 pits for the owner - hunter. The surrounding area has become a force in holding ducks in the immediate area of the farm. With proper supervision this property should become a duck hunters dream because of its isolation yet accessability.
178.2 acres
719 pounds
275.2 acres
46 bushels
79.5 acres
57 bushels
279 acres
23 bushels
Est Total Payment
The Britton farm is irrigated by 5 gearhead wells. On these wells are two 1285 foot stationary pivots, one 1900 foot stationary pivot, and one 1900 foot towable pivot. Ground water in the area is found at a depth of about 50 feet and the water has very good quality. The pivots on the farm give the operator many planting options. For instance, fall planted wheat followed by soybeans. With the pivots you don’t have to worry about rain for optimal crop emergence and weed control with chemicals. If equipped right you can fertilize or apply chemicals as you water with your pivots. A great money saving tool. Other benefits of pivot irrigation is the conservative use of your water as compared with flood irrigation. Less water use means less pumping cost.
Taxes on the Britton farm are $3,200.00 or $5.00 per acre and land appreciation in the area has been averaging about 4% to 5% per year.
The Britton farm is priced at $1,995.00 per acre or $1,276,800.00 total price. There is a $90.00 per acre rent contract on the farm that expires December 31 2007.
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