6068 Acres Crittenden County, Arkansas Asking Price: Negotiable as to Market
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AAA+ Premier Arkansas Rice Farm available to the national market--worldwide shortages of rice have made this farm an exceptional value.
There are four tracts to the Turrell Farm. The Turrell tract is located on Interstate 55 approximately 25 miles north of Memphis, Tn. At the Turrell exit off I-55. It lays on both side of I-55 with the major portion of the farm on the west side of I-55. The East Heafer Tract is located aproximately 2 miles west of the Turrell Tract via Highway 42 and the West Heafer Tract is one mile further west on Highway 42.The Tyronza farm is located just north of Tyronza, Ar. And about 5 miles north of the Turrell farm.
The farm is flat with less than a 1% slope with all of the farm being precision leveled. Some of the small tracts are zero grade leveled but the majority is leveled on slope.
The Turrell Tract contains 4637 acres +/-. The East Heafer Tract has 240 acres +/- and the West Heafer Tract has 431 acres +/-. The Tyronza farm has 760 acres +/-. Total deeded acres is 6068 - Total cropland is 5619
FSA Info:
Turrell, Heafer & Tyronza
22 bu
42 bu
Total Payment
Payment per Acre
The Turrell and Heafer Tracts have three wood frame homes; two metal shop buildings; three pole sheds; Three grain storage facilities, one 280,000 bushels that is new in 2007 with an additional 90,000 bushel being built in 08, one 140,000 bushels and one 80,000 thousand bushels; a 2500 bushel per hour grain dryer; four - one quarter mile pivots with power units; one - one half mile pivot with power unit; one cotton gin; one half mile of sixteen inch underground pipe; one fourth mile of 12 inch underground pipe; 6 new in 2007 wells, twelve wells with electric motors; eighteen wells with gear head drives; eight - ten inch relifts with power units and fuel tanks; one twenty four inch electric relifts; twelve duck hunting pits: The Tyronza tract has four wells and one pole shed with two duck pits.
The soils are predominately Sharkey Silty Clay with some Dundee Silt Loam, and a small amount of Earle and Alligator Clay.
The property is adjacent to the Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge. This refuge holds a good duck and goose population and enhances the hunting on the Turrell farm. The duck pits are all roll top and placed adjacent to the road so access is good for the hunters.
The Turrell farm is priced negotiable to area market.
Farm Location Map
Turrell Farm - Main & School Tracts
Turrell Pictures Page One
Turrell Pictures Page Two
Turrell & Heafer Tracts Topo
Tyronza Farm - Both Tracts
Tyronza Topo Map
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