LOCATION: Located on the East side of Clarksdale and on the East and West side of Highway 49 Bypass, Coahoma County, Mississippi.
SIZE: 903.0+/- Gross acres of Farmland. 859.4 Acres of Effective Cropland. 42.3 Acres enrolled in CRP.
IMPROVEMENTS: 4 irrigation wells. 600+/- Acres of Cropland have been leveled. 2 Employee Residences. Farm Headquarters with shop, office, and implement storage shed.
FSA DATA: A COTTON base of 285.3 acres with a Direct Payment Yield of 899 lbs. A WHEAT base of 270.3 acres with a Direct Payment Yield of 37 bu. A SOYBEAN base of 238.5 acres with a Direct Payment Yield of 16 bu. and A GRAIN SORGHUM base of 22.1 acres with a Direct Payment Yield of 54 bu.
COMMENT: This farm has been dedicated to cotton and grain production for several years. The soil types are good for the production of any of the crops based on this farm. This is a very good farm in a very good location. There is a proposed ethanol plant for an adjoining 150 acre tract.
PRICE: $2,250,000.00.
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